Healthy nutrition is an important aspect of yoga practice, as what we eat has a significant impact on the health of our bodies and minds. A balanced and healthy diet can help improve flexibility, strength and concentration during yoga practice.

Here are some tips for healthy eating to combine with yoga practice:

1. Choose nutritious foods: try to consume nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods and those high in refined sugars.
2. Eat mindfully: spend time at meals, chewing slowly and focusing on the flavors and textures of foods. Avoid distracted eating or eating in front of a screen.
3. Drink plenty of water: water is essential to keep the body hydrated and help flush out toxins. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
4. Avoid heavy foods: try to avoid foods that are too heavy or fatty before yoga practice so you don’t feel weighed down or bloated.
5. Choose digestive foods: opt for light, digestive foods such as soups, salads, cooked vegetables and legumes. Avoid foods that are too spicy or fried.
6. Follow a varied and balanced diet: try to eat a varied and balanced diet that includes all essential nutrients for the well-being of body and mind.

In general, a healthy, balanced diet combined with regular yoga practice can help maintain physical and mental health and improve overall well-being.
Finally, it is important to note that there is no “right” diet for everyone. Everyone has different dietary needs and preferences, and what works for one person may not work for another. In general, the goal of nutrition in yoga is to choose foods that are nutritious and healthy, and to avoid foods that cause energy or emotional imbalances.

In general, all twists asanas have the function of “squeezing” the intestines and internal organs, eliminating toxins and stimulating digestive functions.
Virasana posture stimulates the abdomen and liver and helps relieve nausea (often used in pregnancy).
Supta Baddha Konasana in addition to relaxing the mind promotes good digestion by relieving abdominal heaviness.
Pranayama techniques are a perfect aid to improve our breath by stimulating digestion and bowels